Overlooked People in the Food Allergy Community: Adults and the Elderly

With so much attention placed on kids with food allergies, it is easy to forget that adults and senior citizens can (and do) have food allergies too. Oftentimes, adults with food allergies struggle to find age appropriate resources among the plethora of “back to school tips” and “playdate advice” articles found on most food allergyContinue reading “Overlooked People in the Food Allergy Community: Adults and the Elderly”

Overlooked Members of the Food Allergy Community: Underprivileged Families

The food allergy community is bursting with blogs, organizations, charities, Facebook pages, and more that all aim to provide the insider scoop to dealing with food allergies. From egg free cookie recipes to advice on choosing an allergist, these platforms seem to cover every possible aspect of life with food allergies. Yet, a key groupContinue reading “Overlooked Members of the Food Allergy Community: Underprivileged Families”

Food Allergies on a Budget

Special food allergy friendly food items can be double or even triple the cost of their regular counterparts. For low income families, college students, single parents, or anyone trying to save money, this can make grocery shopping with food allergies quite a struggle. While the task may seem daunting, purchasing food allergy friendly food onContinue reading “Food Allergies on a Budget”

Back to School with Food Allergies

August is here which means the new school year is right around the corner! Browse through the tips and resources below to ensure that your food allergic child and their school are equipped to safely manage food allergies. Talk to your child – Ensure that your child understands their food allergies. Discuss what a foodContinue reading “Back to School with Food Allergies”

Food Allergies Around the World

The top 8 allergens are dairy, eggs, nuts, peanuts, soy, shellfish, fish, and wheat, right? Not quite. These 8 foods are the most common food allergens in America, accounting for 90% of food allergies in the US. However, these statistics are slightly different when taking a global perspective. Different countries around the globe have differentContinue reading “Food Allergies Around the World”

Overlooked People in the Food Allergy Community: People of Color

People of color (Blacks, Latin Americans, Asians, Middle Eastern, Indigenous peoples, etc) who have food allergies often have a different experience than Caucasians with food allergies. From different rates of food allergies to different standards of accessible healthcare, race and ethnicity have proven to be crucial pieces of the food allergy puzzle. Yet, race isContinue reading “Overlooked People in the Food Allergy Community: People of Color”

Sneaky Sources of Common Food Allergens

Picture this: your doctor tells you that you have been diagnosed with a dairy allergy. When you heard the word “dairy” you probably pictured foods like butter, cheese, ice cream, and yoghurt. However, dairy can also found in other household items including hand soap, lotion, and pet food! Being aware of non-food sources of allergensContinue reading “Sneaky Sources of Common Food Allergens”

The Science Behind Food Allergies

Food allergies are a medical condition where a person experiences a reaction upon consuming certain foods. These reactions are specific to certain foods that can vary for each individual, and symptoms often include an itchy mouth, hives and rashes, stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, trouble swallowing, trouble breathing, and even death. But how can a perfectlyContinue reading “The Science Behind Food Allergies”

Food Allergy Awareness Week

Food Allergy Awareness month takes place every May, with a special week within May where extra dedication is given to the food allergy cause. This May, get involved, show your support, and become more teal! What’s the Deal with Teal? Teal is the national color for food allergy awareness. Just like pink ribbons are usedContinue reading “Food Allergy Awareness Week”

Best Food Allergy Friendly Nonperishable Foods to Donate

Not quite sure what foods to donate to Food Allergy Allies? Want to give food allergy friendly foods to your local food pantry? Need to stock up on nonperishable, allergy friendly foods before a big storm? Check out our comprehensive list of the best shelf stable allergy friendly foods listed below or visit our “donationsContinue reading “Best Food Allergy Friendly Nonperishable Foods to Donate”