Overlooked People in the Food Allergy Community: Adults and the Elderly

With so much attention placed on kids with food allergies, it is easy to forget that adults and senior citizens can (and do) have food allergies too. Oftentimes, adults with food allergies struggle to find age appropriate resources among the plethora of “back to school tips” and “playdate advice” articles found on most food allergyContinue reading “Overlooked People in the Food Allergy Community: Adults and the Elderly”

Overlooked Members of the Food Allergy Community: Underprivileged Families

The food allergy community is bursting with blogs, organizations, charities, Facebook pages, and more that all aim to provide the insider scoop to dealing with food allergies. From egg free cookie recipes to advice on choosing an allergist, these platforms seem to cover every possible aspect of life with food allergies. Yet, a key groupContinue reading “Overlooked Members of the Food Allergy Community: Underprivileged Families”