Food Insecurity in Texas

Food Allergy Allies works exclusively within Texas (specifically the city of Houston) to provide free allergy friendly foods to people in need with food allergies. Today, we are going to take a look at what food insecurity in Texas looks like, and how this compares to the rest of the nation. 1 in 7 TexansContinue reading “Food Insecurity in Texas”

Overlooked Members of the Food Allergy Community: Underprivileged Families

The food allergy community is bursting with blogs, organizations, charities, Facebook pages, and more that all aim to provide the insider scoop to dealing with food allergies. From egg free cookie recipes to advice on choosing an allergist, these platforms seem to cover every possible aspect of life with food allergies. Yet, a key groupContinue reading “Overlooked Members of the Food Allergy Community: Underprivileged Families”

Food Allergies on a Budget

Special food allergy friendly food items can be double or even triple the cost of their regular counterparts. For low income families, college students, single parents, or anyone trying to save money, this can make grocery shopping with food allergies quite a struggle. While the task may seem daunting, purchasing food allergy friendly food onContinue reading “Food Allergies on a Budget”

Overlooked People in the Food Allergy Community: People of Color

People of color (Blacks, Latin Americans, Asians, Middle Eastern, Indigenous peoples, etc) who have food allergies often have a different experience than Caucasians with food allergies. From different rates of food allergies to different standards of accessible healthcare, race and ethnicity have proven to be crucial pieces of the food allergy puzzle. Yet, race isContinue reading “Overlooked People in the Food Allergy Community: People of Color”

Best Food Allergy Friendly Nonperishable Foods to Donate

Not quite sure what foods to donate to Food Allergy Allies? Want to give food allergy friendly foods to your local food pantry? Need to stock up on nonperishable, allergy friendly foods before a big storm? Check out our comprehensive list of the best shelf stable allergy friendly foods listed below or visit our “donationsContinue reading “Best Food Allergy Friendly Nonperishable Foods to Donate”

Resources in Houston for Food Insecurity

If you or a loved one is facing food insecurity, you’ve come to the right place! Below is a comprehensive list of food pantries and meal assistance programs in Houston. Call 832-369-9390 at the Houston Food Bank for help finding the right organization for you. Houston Food Bank Heights Interfaith Ministries Food Pantry Emergency AidContinue reading “Resources in Houston for Food Insecurity”

Hunger Facts and Statistics

767 million people live on $1.90 or less per day 6 children die each minute of a hunger related condition 690 million people around the world go to bed hungry each night 34 million people live in poverty in America 40 million Americans struggle with hunger 10 million children face hunger in the United States,Continue reading “Hunger Facts and Statistics”

The Connections between Sustainability and Food Insecurity

What is sustainability? Sustainability is defined as meeting our own needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. In other words, the concept of sustainability means taking care of the environment and using natural resources wisely so that our Earth will be habitable for years to come. The concept ofContinue reading “The Connections between Sustainability and Food Insecurity”

The Food Insecurity Cycle

Food insecurity can feel unstoppable – why? Food insecurity follows what I like to call a cyclical domino effect. In other words, a chain reaction of events culminates in a repetitive, hard-to-break cycle. When examining causes of food insecurity, it becomes evident that not one but many factors contribute to food insecurity. Financial strain isContinue reading “The Food Insecurity Cycle”

Hunger Awareness Week

November 13-21 2021 marks the annual week for hunger and homelessness awareness. During this week, put in extra effort to volunteer, donate, and educate in order to support people facing hunger or homelessness. Or, look below for additional ways to help fight hunger this week: Donate food to a food bank Volunteer at a foodContinue reading “Hunger Awareness Week”