Food Allergies VS Food Intolerances

Many people confuse food allergies and intolerances because they appear to be very similar at first glance. In fact, researchers surveying a group of adults across the country found that 19% of their subjects claimed to have a food allergy, even though only 10% of these people had a true, diagnosed, food allergy. The other 9% who believed they had a food allergy were actually experiencing a food intolerance. Food intolerances and food allergies are not the same. While food allergies can be a life threatening condition, food intolerances are not. Both food allergies and food intolerances come with their own sets of challenges, but it is important to understand the difference.

Food AllergiesFood Intolerances
Related to the immune systemRelated to the digestive system
Can be life threatening Non life threatening
Even trace amounts of food can cause a reactionSmall amounts of food may be tolerated, and regular amounts can sometimes be consumed with the help of medication
Common food triggers (allergens) include peanuts, tree nuts, dairy, eggs, wheat, soy, shellfish, fish, and sesameCommon food triggers include lactose, gluten, casein, fructose, food additives, and more
Symptoms occur quickly after the food is consumedSymptoms can occur hours after eating
Symptoms include trouble breathing, itching, rash or hives, stomach pain, and difficulty swallowingSymptoms include gas/bloating, stomach pain, heartburn, vomiting, diarrhea, and headaches
Food allergies can be confirmed with certain medical tests such as blood testing and skin testingFood intolerances are difficult to identify and confirm

Both food allergies and food intolerances are valid, medically necessary, dietary needs that require special diets in order to stay healthy, but they have many differences. In all, it is important to recognize and understand the differences between food allergies and food intolerances in order to best accommodate a person with either one.

Article sources:,often%20limited%20to%20digestive%20problems.

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